Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mom's in the hospital.....again.

Had to take Mom to the hospital again. She's on coumidin and her levels were extremely high. They're keeping her until that's under control and they're also working on some high blood pressure.

As I said in another post, she's a sugar addict. In fact, she's now borderline diabetic, but do you want from somebody that is 88.

She's also hard of hearing, but she says she's not. Not only do I have to repeat every single thing I say to her, but she gets it wrong. Some of the things that come out of her mouth are amazing.

I could say to her "Mom, Alison has a new job"
She'll repeat something like "You're getting a new cat?!"

I'm not kidding. Sometimes I feel like we're speaking different languages.

The only thing that she knows I'm actually talking about is cookies.