Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm so Lazy & the snow

I really intended to keep this blog a daily one, but life gets in the way alot.

How about that snow? God, I hate it. We did watch alot of movies and did some things around the house. Glenn basically snow blowed the whole city. He did get over to my Mom's house, but not before we received quite a few phone calls.

Mom: My neighbors are throwing all their snow on my property.
Me: Did anybody shovel or snow blow for you?
Mom: Yeah, and they put it all on my property!
Me: Mom, I'll make sure Glenn or Georgie (my brother) gets over there.

Glenn finally did get over there with Kenny, my nephew, but by then, there was about 6" of packed snow that the snow blower wasn't blowing anywhere. Glenn and I finally went back about 2 days later and chopped it all up. It wasn't easy. Had to get Mom to the Doctors, so it had to be done.

Mom doesn't like kids playing her massive snow mound on her front yard either. These are kids, what are you going to do? Well, Mom said something to the kids and now she thinks the neighborhood is mad at her.

God, I hope we don't have snow like that last 2 snowstorms again this winter. If we have another bad one, I swear, I'm moving her in for the duration.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I hate snow!!

This is crazy. We've had so much snow. I'm sick of. I mean really sick of it. Who needs it?? It really doesn't serve any purpose in my mind.

We had 28.5 inches of snow this past weekend and another 12-18" is coming tonight and tomorrow.

Mom's been stuck in the house. I took her out yesterday, but it's pretty dangerous for her to be walking around in snow.

If we lose power at any time...I think I'll cry.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I hate snow

I'm not a winter person. In face, I hate it. Not only do you have to deal with dirty snow, really bad static hair, and stupid crazy people at the supermarket, it's just depressing in general.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's been kind of quiet

There's really not much going on, but we still haven't gotten the washer or basement door. I'll probably just do her wash this weekend and that will save me for another week or so.

I've been tired lately. It seems I'm dreaming more and I think it's just exhausting me. You know, the dreams you think are real? I dreamt my best friend was pregnant the other night and she's way, but funny. I try to remember most of my dreams and in the morning if husband is around I tell him about it.

I just wish I could sleep through a whole night and not have these kinds of adventures.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Something is brewing

I hate that saying, but it fits with Mom. There is so much on the agenda that I don't think I'll ever get it done.

Phonecalls in the last couple of days are going like this:

Me: Hi Mom, what's up? (I don't think I should be asking)
Mom: {sigh} Ohhhhh....nothing {sigh}
Me: What are you doing?
Mom: Going through some papers (Now..Mom's been doing that for 50 years, you'd think she'd be on top of things)
Me: Oh, ok.
Mom: We need to get this work done. The basement, I need a new garage roof, I have to get to the eye doctors, I want the second floor done, I need a new toilet, the washer, the basement door and my taxes.

Just kill me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Not getting Mom on the phone

So, I go to Zumba this morning. I really like it. Love dancing instead of walking or running or biking. I'm just tired of that.

I get back and there's a message on the phone:

Mom: Connie, call me when you get in.
Me: Oh God, something is wrong.

I don't like it when I get calls like that. I think that either she's fallen or something is wrong with her hair.

I try calling her...busy, busy, busy. I'm thinking of driving over there as I have so many other times just to see if she's ok.

FINALLY...I get her. Evidentally I left a card in the papers I gave her last night. I have a dentist appointment March 4th.

We chat a little bit and I tell her we had to suspend daughters cell phone. Long story, but Mom doesn't like that.

Now I feel guilty :o(