Monday, February 1, 2010

Not getting Mom on the phone

So, I go to Zumba this morning. I really like it. Love dancing instead of walking or running or biking. I'm just tired of that.

I get back and there's a message on the phone:

Mom: Connie, call me when you get in.
Me: Oh God, something is wrong.

I don't like it when I get calls like that. I think that either she's fallen or something is wrong with her hair.

I try calling her...busy, busy, busy. I'm thinking of driving over there as I have so many other times just to see if she's ok.

FINALLY...I get her. Evidentally I left a card in the papers I gave her last night. I have a dentist appointment March 4th.

We chat a little bit and I tell her we had to suspend daughters cell phone. Long story, but Mom doesn't like that.

Now I feel guilty :o(

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