Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mom need a basement door and a new washer

Mom's washer broke down. Oh My God! Mom is also addicted to washing. She does more wash then we do and we have 4 people living here at our house. I have no idea where she gets her wash, but it's seems like she's obsessed.

She calls me the other night and tells me that the washer is dead. This causes a big problem because her door to her basement was done over and it's only 27" wide. She has an old washer and dryer down the basement because she can't get them out. She's been pissed about this for years because she wants her basement clean. And....she wants it NOW!

I swear, if I hear another thing about getting her basement clean, I'm going to lose it. None of the stuff down her basement is either mine or husbands. Glenn refuses to clean it up. He does alot of things for my Mom...but he has to draw the line somewhere. Here's a typical conversation.

Mom: I'm down the basement. I'm trying to clean it up, but I'm making more of a mess.
Me: Mom, just stop, you shouldn't be doing that. It's too hard on you.
Mom: I can't stand it anymore! I have to do something.
Me: Ok Mom
Me: Ok Mom
Me: Ok Mom
Me: Ok Mom

So, the plan is for Glenn to rip out the door to the basement and then get a washing machine in. This is going to bother her and in turn, bother me until we get that washing machine in there. I've offered to do her wash, but she says she can last a week. I guess we have to get the door and the washing machine in that basement within a week or I'm in trouble.

p.s. Please don't tell my Mom that Glenn cleaned up our basement last week. It looks really good :o)

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