Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Mom and her Hair

Oh God....where do I start with this story.....

My Mom still has her hair the same way that she had it in the 50s. I remember it, but I don't remember that she has always been obsessed with her hair style. This has only started to make me crazy within the last 5 years or so.

Mom broke her shoulder in a fall while up the ass of my husband. We come home from the shore and she wants her mattress flipped and turned. No problem, easy. The BIG problem starts with her always having to be the foreman on the job. She has to be within 1 foot of you to make sure it's getting done right. That's where she made her mistake. Within 10 seconds, she's on the floor screaming. Somethings wrong with her arm and we didn't want to move her. We call the ambulance, go to the hospital. Shoulder is broken. Fast forward...she had shoulder replacement, but it didn't work to the hair thing.

I started washing and "doing" her hair. Rollers..I hate them. I have no idea how she sleeps on them either. She sometimes will even have those pink snap on curlers that have nail like thingies that dig into your scalp. I know....I use to wear them in the 60s and 70s. Now, I'm not a beautician, but I try my best.

Sometimes, she'll go get her hair washed and set. She NEVER likes it. Sometimes she will get it dyed. She NEVER likes it. Oh no!!! The haircut. Too short, too long. She NEVER likes it.

Here's a typical conversation:

Mom: I hate my hair.
Me: I hate mine too.
Mom: I hate the color, it's too dark.
Me: I think it looks fine.
Mom: No, it should be lighter, they never do it right.
Me: Do you want me to do it?
Mom: If you think you can find the right color.

How the hell do I know what color is right? Believe me, I've dyed her hair. It's either to light or too dark.

Does ANYBODY have the right color for my Mom?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that! Look, there's no way you or anyone else is going to make her happy about her hair. She probably wants her done like the woman who did it for years and years. Most likely that woman is long gone to heaven.

    I used to be a hairdresser. I used to do this lady's hair all the time and she was NEVER happy. She used to tell me all the time that I cut it too short. So one time I only pretended to cut it. It was too short. So I charged her. :) true story!
