Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Mom has an addiction

There seems to be nothing more important to my Mom then her sweet tooth. I seriously think she would die within one day if she didn't have sugar fix. Whenever I bake something I think of my Mom. I'm not a big sweet person. Every now and then, I'll have a piece of cheese cake or my sister-in-laws rum cake. Mom??? She just can't just eat one piece. She'd rather eat the whole cake herself.

At family get togethers I can see she has her eye on the desserts. She has to have her fill when she's there, but she wants to make sure that she brings home a platter too.

I could buy her 6 cinnamon buns and they could be done in one day. When I ask her if she ate all of them, she'll laugh and just say "yeah". I'm thinking to myself you're kidding me!!!

Fudge anyone? She LOVES it!! When we go down to Wildwood we always try to get Laura's fudge. Mine usually ends up in the refrigerator until it gets so hard you can't eat it. Mom's pound is done before the end of the day.

Mom is an addict.

1 comment:

  1. I think I love your mom. We have a LOT in common. Unfortunately I also have diabetes now.
