Monday, January 25, 2010

My Mom and her house

Whatever we do in our house, my Mom wants. If I need a new toilet, she needs one. If I need to paint, she wants me to paint her house.

About six months ago, I started planning to do her downstairs over. Mom lives in a 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath house.

Husband Glenn started by taking the wall paper off. That wasn't easy. She even wanted to put wall paper up again. I talked her out of it....thank God. Wallpaper is out Mom!

One problem with Mom is, she can't make a decision on anything. She wanted blue carpets again. No is out. She couldn't make a decision on the paint, or the the curtains, or the chandelier, or the sconces. So, it was left up to me to pick almost everything out. I even made her a book with samples. She didn't care. She wanted it done and she wanted it done fast.

Once the wallpaper was off, we called in the Mexicans to do plaster the cracks. I don't think she liked the Mexicans in the house. She called me on the phone the first day and whispered on the phone...."Connie, they're all Mexicans". I said..."Mom, I told you they were Mexicans, don't worry about it, they're good".

My brother George was great with helping with the painting. He's actually good at it, but he's kind of bossy. He loves to tell Glenn what to do...Glenn! Glenn! Glenn! But I appreciate how much time that he spent helping. Dennis did some electrical because there's no way I would let George or Glenn do it.

Her house looks good now, the only thing is.....since I had to pick out everything and in addition, put a couple things from my house into her house, her downstairs looks just like mine.

Bottom line. Don't ask me to decorate anything unless you want your place to look like mine.

Next up? She wants her upstairs done. I think I'll call in my sister-in-law Bernie to do this one :o)

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